Gringa Bows is Rodney Bagnall.
Rod specialises in a Hill style long bow with a 2" reflex. But also has varying models to suit your needs. Including the "Chupacabra" (deflex- Reflex long bow or Semi recurve as some would say), along with a 3 piece take down longbow in the development stages.
Rod is relatively young in a Bowyer sense of things. He has been making bows for 4 years. Making him an up & comer in the grand scheme of things. But his constant R&D making sure the quality of his Bows is second to none.
Time spent talking with Rod is valuable, he seems to take in the big & the small details required to get a bow just right for you.
Rod doesn't go to his shed on a day in day out basis making bows. It is his hobby. He builds them accordingly. Sometimes making the wait a little longer. But ensuring you get a very high quality built master piece, because he has built it in his own time. Giving it every ounce of dedication it requires to be the bow you require.
Each Bow is hand crafted & individual. Hence why they usually get affectionate nick name from their owners.
There are several members on this site which can offer their opinions on their own Gringa Bows.
A few Photos of Various Gringa Bows.

"Hill Style" Long Bow's

"Chupacabra" Deflex-Reflex.

A sneak peak on the prototype 3 piece take down Longbow is to come..
Caution is required on purchasing a Gringa Bow, it is addictive & cause you to give up many other hobbies to spend more time with your Gringa Bow. But it's worth it.
Gringa Bows has no Website, contact can be made with Rod via this web site. PM Rod (lbRod55) to discuss your needs.
Just to tidy up here, Rod is a great bloke & Builds a top quality bow. Shoot him a pm & discuss your requirements with him.