TAA Facebook

This is the place to post the web address or contact details for such. This will not only assist those searching for information about your Bowhunting/Archery Association, Organization or Club but it would be very helpful for those travelling around our great country and who are looking for local clubs or events to attend.

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Trad Bound
Posts: 828
Joined: Sun Sep 10, 2006 3:29 pm
Location: Melbourne,Australia

TAA Facebook

#1 Post by Trad Bound » Sat Aug 08, 2015 9:28 am

If you are a facebooker you can look up Traditional Archery Australia closed Facebook. Ask to join as a friend and await for the admin to approve your access, Admin is myself and Sue Wallace. Membership is to anyone interested in promoting traditional archery it is not limited to TAA members only. It's up to you.

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