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Instinctive Archer Magazine on CD...

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 7:27 am
by Benny Nganabbarru
A CD arrived in the mail yesterday which contains all twenty or so editions in every detail of the deceased Instinctive Archer Magazine - articles on shooting, hunting around the world, bow and arrow building, and archery history, along with philosophy and heaps of old ads and great photographs. There's a lot to browse through on a rainy day! I bought it from a Tradgang fellow who has produced them. This magazine had been and gone by the time I got into archery. For only 25 bucks or so, you can't go wrong! The editor of this magazine was Rik Hinton, who had a great time in Australia recently with his 75lb Hill longbow, shooting a couple of good buffalo, a scrub bull, and a boar.

Here's the link:



Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 2:03 pm
by Chuditch
Good link Ben, I might have to get that CD for myself.

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 5:28 pm
by Glenn Newell
I have had the CD's for a while now, the magazine was a real good one, pity it's still not going. Rick is a real good bloke, his enthusiasm for the hunt and everything he does is overwhelming. The CD's are well worth getting...Glenn...