Bow-makers Society of Western Australia?

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Nicholas George
Posts: 22
Joined: Fri Apr 11, 2014 11:44 pm

Bow-makers Society of Western Australia?

#1 Post by Nicholas George » Thu Dec 20, 2018 6:47 pm

Hi all,

I've recently moved back to Western Australia after over a decade in the US. For several years I was an organizer of a Californian bow-makers group which had links to some of the original contributors to the Traditional Bowyers Bible. I now want to start a Western Australian bowyers group because there doesn't appear to be one already.

I envisage it as an informal group of bow-makers dedicated to making all and any kinds of bows - including fiberglass laminates, wooden selfbows and hornbows. If there are any people in the greater Perth region who would like to participate in a "Bow-makers Society of Western Australia" can you please contact me? If I get any interest I'll start a closed Facebook group to help us to link up.



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