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Had enough of Gillard and the rest?

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 9:03 pm
by Jeffro

Re: Had enough of Gillard and the rest?

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 9:27 pm
by looseplucker
What a load of old bollox. The GG by constitutional convention acts on the advice of the Govt of the day. The GGs reserve powers cannot be exercised simply because one million people don't like the Govt. That is what ballot boxes are for. The reserve powers can be exercised where the Govt is without supply which is what happened in 75. A Govt without supply must by convention resign. Whitlam refused. There was a then a crisis - reserve powers can be exercised. Would never happen now, by Parliamentary agreement. And the crisis only happened because that corrupt old b*stard Bjelke-Petersen refused to follow convention and put in an anti govt senator to fill a casual senate vacancy - and thereby peed in the soup of a hundred years of good parliamentary governance.

We may have a Govt that people don't like. There is no constitutional crisis and this is a bit whiffy of a 'news making' opportunity by guess who? Or don't they respect the electoral system when they don't get their way?

Sounds like some Daily Telegraph inspired frogsh*t to me. Thing is there are enough Daily Telegraph frogsh*t readers out there who would actually believe this could work. Tele tried this in NSW in the last year with the Governer. Pathetic. News Ltd: Keeping people ignorant no matter what it takes.

Fact is the voters voted. This is the result - hung parliament and a minority Govt. That's democracy. Like it or leave it. Seems to work ok in the UK. Just watching the brits. My goodness that entire rabble here in Canberra (and I include Abbott and his gang) look like gormless bogans after the pubs have closed compared.

And don't do the 'Gillard lied'. A politician lied? Goshy darn and gee willickers Batman. Who woulda thunk it? Well cry me Cubbie Station or, as Yoda said: "break me a blo*dy give cobber"

Re: Had enough of Gillard and the rest?

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:07 pm
by hazard
Regardless of all you have said I would have thought there would be a treason charge she would have to answer to? In a country with a single ounce of honour it would be out with the pitchforks! :twisted:

Maybe we can bring it back in just this once!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Coming from every one I speak to they would all Pi$$ on a spark plug if it did any good.

Re: Had enough of Gillard and the rest?

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:16 pm
by looseplucker
Sorry, can't help with that. This seems to be a Daily Tele style beat up or beat off. Bit of a smokescreen from the focus on News Ltd as an organisation that has played a large part in the corruption of parliamentary sovereignty here and overseas.

And people starve to death in the Horn of Africa. Great to see some priorities at play.

Re: Had enough of Gillard and the rest?

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 1:39 am
by Nephew
Sorry Jeff, I can't support that petition. In fact, I outright reject it's premise.
I also smell a Daily Telegraph beat up here, Looseplucker! :x

This Govt. and this P.M. are introducing the most significant, important piece of legislation any Aust govt has done since Chifley, yet all the electorate can do is whinge about the miniscule amount they will be asked to contribute... most getting compensation that will be greater than their contribution, courtesy of the 500 biggest polluters :D ... and this is being done to ensure our kids, and their kids, have a future?! :roll:

I, for one, salute Prime Minister Gillard and applaud her, and her Govts., actions on the Carbon Tax. Self regulation of Capitalism being a macabre joke, it makes perfect sense to coerce the big polluters into cleaning up their act! A temporary carbon tax is the best way to pump-prime a Emissions Trading Scheme, which does just that. It coerces them into cleaning up their act and actively reducing dangerous particulate-heavy emissions. An ETS, preceded by a small and temporary carbon tax, will create many new jobs in the Environmental Sector and it's feeder industries, and plenty of other areas like engineering, construction, mining, research into insulators, aerodynamics, electronics etc, the list goes on forever!. Surely cleaner air and massive employment creation can only ever be good things? Especially for our kids, and theirs. :D

I'd reckon the only person who could argue against an idea this good is the one person who has the most to lose from it's success ...Tony "the Mad Monk" Abbott! Once this policy is made legislation and is peacefully bedded down he will be revealed as the lying, opportunistic nihilist he is! That man has lied, spread unnecessary worry anywhere he can and obstructed the clean passage of good policy through Parliament just to satisfy his own personal ambition. He has no policies at all, just vague notions, all to be explained in detail "at a later date" yet has the hide to attack such a good idea as a carbon tax! Why? because he knows it's good policy and his sour grapes can't allow the current P.M. to have the prominent, positive place in history she so richly deserves for standing up to the Big Capitalists and saying "No more super profits at the expense of our kids futures! If you wish to do business in Australia, you will do it in a clean and sustainable manner, or not at all, and you will contribute a fair amount to society!" He can't have that happen, and will do anything at all to sabotage the expense of YOUR KIDS' FUTURE WELLBEING !

Forget the "Chicken Little" mentality Abbott tries to foment, fellas! A year after it is implemented, the carbon tax will induce more yawns than outrage, just as with the G.S.T. 8)

Now, if it's how the P.M. made a rash promise before the last election that worries you, then I have good news! You need worry no more! Remember "Never Ever"? How about the odious "Those people threw their children in the ocean!" a proven, flat out malicious lie? Do you recall "I had no idea Patricks were training mercenaries in Dubai to be scab labour on Australian ports"? Such breathtaking effrontery, yet I don't recollect seeing any online petitions to have Howard thrown from office then, did anyone here? If so, did you sign? No? But, if you're so outraged by a P.M. lying, then why not? Perhaps those so deeply offended by dishonesty in our National Leader attended rallies outside parliament house instead, raging, swearing, threatening violence to all who fail to completely agree with them, and bellowing for Howards blood? Oh?! You weren't? I don't understand? Surely Mr. Howards lies did far more actual damage on a human level than Ms. Gillards display of exuberant, pre-election hubris? So, no-one wanted him dead for not totally adhering to the truth? I can easily imagine folk wanting to tar-and-feather him over other things, sure... he was a very offensive man... but I don't remember petitions calling for the P.M.s removal from office or vicious, talk-back radio and tabloid newspaper promoted cheap stunts/rallies roiling and seething over his lies! The really sad part is some of those lies did real damage to real human lives, but no-one was so upset then! I would imagine, in the cold light of day, away from the inane ranting and goading of News LTD or Alan Jones and his imitators/acolytes, those not blinded by prejudice or lack of reason can see that the current P.M.'s perceived "sin" of "lying" is fairly harmless in comparison to the efforts of the Honorable John Howard. So lets not fret about this alleged "lie" anymore. As we've seen, on the scale of life it was pretty insignificant and definitely doesn't deserve the level of angst wasted on it we have witnessed in some sections of Australian society, the latest example being this petition.
As Keynes has been credited with saying- , "If the circumstances change, I change my mind. What do you do, Sir?" The P.M. can't possibly have anticipated having to rely on the Greens support to form Govt., and for the numbers to get any legislation through the house (especially with "Dr.No!" in opposition. What an agile mind he has! Such an admirable man, so thoughtful and deeply reflective in his decision making! :wink: ), but it turned out she did need them, and the independents ( and so would have Abbott, for that matter! Imagine the sheer JOY of watching him have to go cap-in-hand to the Greens for legislation approval! :lol: ), so the circumstances had changed.
When she said "No carbon tax under my Govt." she, of course, was speaking in the hypothetical about a Govt. with a clear majority in the House and Senate.
I can't imagine I would have done much different if in her position.

If you are interested in the facts, ignore anything that excretes out of any of the many tentacles of News Corp.

Re: Had enough of Gillard and the rest?

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 5:25 am
by Jeffro
I cant stand her.She is a global embarrasment.She wasnt elected she swindled her way in and shes a useless liar.The only reason she is pushing on with it is cause she is desperate for taxation to cover the money they have WASTED.
It is all about keeping her in the lodge and saving face.
She knifed her own leader for gods sake.
Im pretty sure this government is going to go down as the worst in Australias history.

It is going to do nothing(the tax) for global temperatures whatsoever and by the time they sell all our farms to china etc the greenhouse emissions they pump out with our coal that THEY own will hugely overshadaow anything this crap tax is gonna help with.
And I think you will find those that like her you are a small minority growing smaller daily.

Horn of Africa give me a break!
We cant even look after our own people with gas seam drilling on peoples farms and flood victims getting no insurance,pastoral land the best in the world getting sold to foreign ownership so they can do open cut coal mines for other COUNTRIES, and you wanna talk priorites :shock

That all im saying in this thread cause it could go on and on

Re: Had enough of Gillard and the rest?

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 7:21 am
by looseplucker
I am not going to judge this government or that based on shock jock gotcha journalism. I don't form my opinions based on what the Murdoch sty of opinion writers say. But a politician swindled their way into something? Hold the presses! A porky was told? I need a bex! A dirty backroom deal was done? Stop the world, I want to get off.

As for not looking after our own. Interesting. The insurance issue. Well read the fine print. Or, as a conservative, do you want greater regulation of the insurance industry? Coal gas issues- saw that on the TV. So the cockies should get a better deal? Agreed. How about a mining super profits tax or shall we have the usual solution of a conservative which is to privatise profit and socialise loss.

My essential priorities in life are based on an ethical position regarding human life. There is a massive humanitarian disaster brewing there. If traditional Aussie principles of a fair go mean anything that is a damn sight more important than you make out.

Perhaps your moral and ethical compass is different to mine. Fair enough. But I say this. If folk are not prepared to help other humans because they are not 'one of our own' why should any of our own deserve help. And for what it is worth none of our own are watching their kids die of starvation due to drought etc. Benefits of a nasty communist welfare state I spose.

There is an acronym for the oipinions Jeffro: FYJIA.

Re: Had enough of Gillard and the rest?

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 9:22 am
by longbowinfected
John, Jeffro a couple of observations:

1. most folk will split on this along party lines, hence heat will be generated. People who wish to debate politics either love or hate the respective leaders in the main. The rest of the folk are silent and probably unhappy by both the actions of all the party leaders.
2. the average person is struggling out there, doing it tough. No one is talking about how a weeks groceries now cost twice as much as they did a couple of years ago. I am suffering on an average wage, I would hate to think how others below the average wage are coping. You can quote all the statistics you like but I know I was better off five years ago and before that and I had 2 more kids living under my roof then
3. most folk cannot even get their heads around global warming and climate change and the need to improve humankind's environmental footprint. Even if folk cannot agree on these issues the remedy of cleaning this planet up is not a bad thing. The real scientists do agree but not many people are listening. We have really only a short suply of oil left but is that really discussed?
4. Year 2000 bug was a big flop/non event and really set a bad scene for issues like global warming and climate change.
5 recent events and past history wrt printed and other media, their lack of true ethics has been apalling, but then again when have they been above board? Every reporter, owner, editor has bias, good news does not sell papers so their is an automatic bias to begin with. I stopped buying newspapers years ago. I do try to keep up via radio as I drive a lot and I judiciously watch news events on free to air TV. In no way am I satisfied with any one source. It is very hard for anyone to get unbiased informed information.

Perhaps agreeing to disagree will work the best.


Re: Had enough of Gillard and the rest?

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 9:40 am
by longbowinfected
Just to clarify things:
I do not like Julia, Budgie Boy or Bob Brown nor do I like Robert Oakshot or his cronies.
I am not devoted to any party and unlike most voters I vote for the best local candidate not for a preferred party/PM, irrespective of which party they run with. I do confess to supporting the Shooters party out of self interest wrt the upper house.

There was an interesting section on the 7:30 Report on free to air TV last night where major advertising staff and principals from 4 major advertisers were asked how to improve Big Red's image. The conscensus was that she had a bad message to sell and that she should give it a rest/leave it alone. They also felt that the public has seen far too much of Julia. Interesting that the professional spin doctors really did not have a clue and one of the expert spruikers, a young lady, queried what is in it for us [the people]? This was not a question to advance their discussion, she just did not buy the sales pitch.

If professional spin doctors reckon it is impossible to sell, I suspect that the underlying issues are not understood.


Re: Had enough of Gillard and the rest?

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 9:54 am
by TomMcDonald
Hi guys, I'm not into all this political stuff, I'd rather focus on bows and other meaningful pursuits, but Gillard was in fact elected fair and square.

Re: Had enough of Gillard and the rest?

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 10:12 am
by GrahameA
Morning All.

Not really interested in most of this. I do however have a question. Who is the person/organisation behind the Website?

Always suspicious of people asking for commitment when they do not disclose who they are.

Re: Had enough of Gillard and the rest?

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 11:30 am
by Nephew
Couldn't agree more, Grahame.

Just to clarify, my comments are not in support of ANY party or particular politician. My comments are in support of A:The facts, B: Honesty in public debate of important issues, but most importantly, C: my daughters, and her kids, future wellbeing.

WE made the mess, WE can, and must, fix it, very simple. Don't let Big Capitalisms self interested bleating con you into believing otherwise. It's the right policy, and the current P.M. is the right person to implement it.

This view doesn't mean I think any less of anyone who see's it differently, just that we wont agree on this issue. In fact, I get angry on their behalf that the big polluters are cynically exploiting these peoples fears to continue with the greed that got us into this mess in the first place. They are lying to you, they know it, and they will stop at nothing to keep the big profits flowing! :x
Jeffro wrote: Im pretty sure this government is going to go down as the worst in Australias history.
No mate, that trophy belongs to John Howards Govt.! This one will go down as the Govt. that had the guts to do what needed to be done, despite the bleaters! :wink: :lol:

Re: Had enough of Gillard and the rest?

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 1:06 pm
by Rock Steady
GrahameA wrote:Morning All.

Not really interested in most of this. I do however have a question. Who is the person/organisation behind the Website?

Always suspicious of people asking for commitment when they do not disclose who they are.
I thought the same thing, the info they ask would be a very saleable information data base.

To all those basing their opions on what the media put's out as fact need your colletive heads read, failing that I have a bridge for sale in Sydney, well used going cheap :D .


Re: Had enough of Gillard and the rest?

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 1:18 pm
by Rock Steady
As for the scare campaign, I was emailed today by a high level coal boss for a large coal interest in Australia that we need to be actively hiring to meet our expansion needs in the Hunter Valley. This is exactly the opposite of what I here on the news.

Until the media is held accountable they will continue to make up stories that sell the most papers, actual factual reporting is a thing of the past.

Re: Had enough of Gillard and the rest?

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 2:11 pm
by wishsong
I have a geniune intense dislike for Gillard , Rob Oakeshhott etc ... BoB Brown is a buffoon but at the very last an impassioned one ... I wouldn't give any of them the time of day .
They are all lying scum ... much like the deadshit media who report on there childlike, albeit tax payer funded, antics.

But ... this government was formed democratically .
I don't like it , firmly believe that this particluar government is a complete and utter waste of space , more so than any other previous wastes of space but sleep well at night as it is still a Govt voted for by the people.
What a priveledge that is to be a part of , and be a beneficiary of its freedom to vote how I see fit .

Re: Had enough of Gillard and the rest?

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 2:21 pm
by longbowinfected
As i said earlier, all reporting is biased. luckily we have freedom to dissent in this country and even better still we do not have one choice in government or media and that media is not state lucky are we?


Re: Had enough of Gillard and the rest?

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 3:49 pm
by looseplucker
Rock Steady wrote:
GrahameA wrote:Morning All.

To all those basing their opions on what the media put's out as fact need your colletive heads read, failing that I have a bridge for sale in Sydney, well used going cheap :D .

It could do with a paint job for mine

Re: Had enough of Gillard and the rest?

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:51 pm
by muntries
Just like the one they have in Newcastle on Tyne but the backdrop is a little bluer, maybe sell the weather too and you'll have a few more offers.

I agree with Craig, we need to do something to reduce emissions and stop or slow climate change. Even China has started and is one of the largest global investors in renewable technology so if thats the case then the coal industry might be up that well know faecal creek without a paddle anyway. Better to slowly reduce the coal industry than watch it die out over night and that will happen if we're left behind in this. So I say GO GILLARD she may give the most inane speaches the world has ever seen and she may be from Western Suburbs of Melbourne (watch your wallets) but she's put her neck on the line for this policy and not backed down which is more than the Mad Monk has done with his crap maths skills and his angry little man act.

Re: Had enough of Gillard and the rest?

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 9:15 pm
by wishsong
I think it stretching reality in the extreme to suggest that this any great moral crusade By Gillard and co to save our Children's future . Otherwise it would still be the top thousand companies / polluters and the price would be $50 a tonne etc .

It is a ploy, nothing more than to keep Bob and co happy in the Senate.

But Australian voters have very short memories and will likely vote her in again for another round of utter folly and waste as the best the Liberal party can throw up is Tony Abbot. 8)

And I may have heard it wrong re China ... but my hearing tells me they are opening up more Coal mines , merely shutting older ones down .

Its all a waste of time ... it will solve nothing . I don't think many are going to be affected by it overall but its all abit ' pat ourselves ' on the back for taking the moral highground whilst playing happy families with big business behind closed doors.

I imagine though , that if this was Tony Abbot bringing this in ... Julia would be down at the smoko rooms on mines sites , letting the lads know that she stands behind them as the Tory's try and take there livelihoods away .

Does anyone find it strange ... the Liberal leader tours the mine sites and manufactoring plants shaking hands and the ALP leader hangs at the Nat Pres club and Universities ?
My how times have changed .

Maybe deep down ol' Tony is actually the last bastion of the DLP.

Re: Had enough of Gillard and the rest?

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 9:49 pm
by piggy
I always figure there are two topics you don't discuss around the campfire Politics and Religion!

Re: Had enough of Gillard and the rest?

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 10:03 pm
by kerrille
and it was just announced to day 1 of the Indian states is building a power station for its 68 million people this 1 power station will spew out more carbon dioxide in 1 year than all of australias industries put together.

and just 1 or 2 more things how hot has the temp got in the last 150 yrs and what will this tax do to stop warming


Re: Had enough of Gillard and the rest?

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 7:36 am
by GrahameA
Morning All.
kerrille wrote:and it was just announced to day 1 of the Indian states is building a power station for its 68 million people this 1 power station will spew out more carbon dioxide in 1 year than all of australias industries put together.

and just 1 or 2 more things how hot has the temp got in the last 150 yrs and what will this tax do to stop warming

Observations compiled by NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center indicate that over the past century, temperatures rose across the contiguous United States at an average rate of 0.11°F per decade (1.1°F per century). Average temperatures rose at an increased rate of 0.56°F per decade from 1979 to 2005. The most recent eight-, nine-, and ten-year periods were the warmest on record.

The premise of the charge is that if something cost more then a) people will use less (hip pocket nerve) and b) it makes it feasible for more expensive alternatives to compete.

All of this is incidental the more important question is who is the person(s) that is asking you to sign a petition and what is their motive?

Re: Had enough of Gillard and the rest?

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:44 am
by looseplucker
piggy wrote:I always figure there are two topics you don't discuss around the campfire Politics and Religion!
On one banjo forum I go on it has actually been banned. But it got 50 times nastier than we ever could - largely because at the end of the day we are all devotees of the bent stick. Banjo players are generally just opinionated so and sos... :oops:

However noting that this is a very important issue I did post the link to my facebook page and am now reliably informed that the following have signed up:

Kevin Rudd
Quentin Bryce
Fred Nerk
Elmer Fudd
Mick E Mowse
Betty Boop and
Cleopatra Snakefondler.

Shcocking security on that site - no cookies so you can sign up as many times as you like from the one ISP, you can enter a bogus email address and the site doesn't interrogate it and reject i. Has about the same validity as the RSPCA ones that call for a ban on duck hunting...

Re: Had enough of Gillard and the rest?

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 12:32 pm
by jindydiver
When I hear people get all outraged by Gillard's comments on the carbon tax I wonder what those same people did when they were betrayed after Howard said "There's no way that GST will ever be part of our policy... Never ever. It's dead." My recolection is that they turned around and voted the guy back in :roll:

Re: Had enough of Gillard and the rest?

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 5:05 pm
by bigbob
Given the recent NOTW scandal in England, and the skullduggery that is unfolding there, the immense influence Murdoch has had on mass media, I must admit to some serious misgivings about the impartiality of our own press. Shortly after the nuclear disaster in Japan I sent a letter in to our local paper outlining my serious concerns about such reactors, particularly ones in known fault zones. Despite the letter being well constructed, and topical it never saw the light of day. If this example is considered in isolation it is meaningless yet from the moment of the disaster occuring, to the present time there has been an absolute dearth of such letters or information in our paper despite being so revelant, nor in any others I have read. How much information has been presented in recent times. a fleeting word here or there. It was only on world Watch on SBS that figures and statistics relating to the radioactive pollutants such as Strontium 90 and Cessarium and their widespread dispersal even saw the light of day. Radioactive animals, and seafood contaminated not the least of it. I might live a cloistered life but sure didnt see any of that information in mainstream media. I have never subscribed to any 'conspiracy theory' about any particular topic in my life but i am absolutely convinced that the powerful uranium lobby has stiffled debate on the subject. I mean just think of how much information has hit the mainstream papers about all this. Very little. I dont think we in general, have a very impartial , nor unbiased media here particularly re politics.

Re: Had enough of Gillard and the rest?

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 5:27 pm
by looseplucker
bigbob wrote:Given the recent NOTW scandal in England, and the skullduggery that is unfolding there, the immense influence Murdoch has had on mass media, I must admit to some serious misgivings about the impartiality of our own press. Shortly after the nuclear disaster in Japan I sent a letter in to our local paper outlining my serious concerns about such reactors, particularly ones in known fault zones. Despite the letter being well constructed, and topical it never saw the light of day. If this example is considered in isolation it is meaningless yet from the moment of the disaster occuring, to the present time there has been an absolute dearth of such letters or information in our paper despite being so revelant, nor in any others I have read. How much information has been presented in recent times. a fleeting word here or there. It was only on world Watch on SBS that figures and statistics relating to the radioactive pollutants such as Strontium 90 and Cessarium and their widespread dispersal even saw the light of day. Radioactive animals, and seafood contaminated not the least of it. I might live a cloistered life but sure didnt see any of that information in mainstream media. I have never subscribed to any 'conspiracy theory' about any particular topic in my life but i am absolutely convinced that the powerful uranium lobby has stiffled debate on the subject. I mean just think of how much information has hit the mainstream papers about all this. Very little. I dont think we in general, have a very impartial , nor unbiased media here particularly re politics.
Well said Bob.

Re: Had enough of Gillard and the rest?

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 5:32 pm
by hazard
Once you accept the facts Politicians are just professional Liars practicing their trade and our Media unfortunately drink from the same pond of effluent, and they are preying on the gullable. Its about time we got over it!!!!! :roll:
The choice is easy! Make sure your vote counts!!!!

Dont allow the loopholes work to their advantage, make sure who ever you choose to vote for is done in a way to prevent preferences from happening!!! For the extremely lazy and stupid, thats what the bottom of the voting sheet is all about!!!! Dont put "1" in anyones box, get off your weak lazy ar$e and fill out the bloody numbers!!!! sabotage the preferences!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Australians are exceptionally Stupid, Gullable and Greedy!!!!We are our own worst enemy!!!

These professional criminals and Liars gravy train is set in concrete, and they are now guarenteed their "Limo" for the rest of their lives, Make intelligent use of your vote and put them in their place!!!!!!!!

Re: Had enough of Gillard and the rest?

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 6:56 pm
by bigbob
You dont like politicians then hazard? :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :roll: :lol:

Re: Had enough of Gillard and the rest?

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 7:31 pm
by hazard
Gosh what gave you that idea? :P

Re: Had enough of Gillard and the rest?

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 8:00 pm
by billb
Hazard is right though in that it doesn;t matter who you are going to vote for, voting with a single number below the line is a cop out and is how a lunatic like fielding got the balance of power with just under 2% (yes two) of Victorians voting for him. Make the effort and vote properly.

Other than that, over 70% of Australian print media (and that includes all your internet website news) is controlled by rupert murdochs sky conglomerate. Have a look at the daily telecrap. Not one visible story on the massive issues poppa murdoch's evil empire is having atm. Any possible belief in independent journalism in Australia is a pipe dream (Fairfax isn;t a lot better but is a lot smaller in most of Australia).

fwiw I support the carbon tax. Yes it will hurt some people and Gillard needs to come out and have the bells to admit it, but all this propoganda about it destroying investment in our national resources is rubbish. There's still so much money to be made that these big polluters are going to keep doing what they do but they will now have a financial (market) incentive to actually do it in a less destructive manner. This is the ONLY way to force them to do something. abbott's lovely line of 'we'll give these companies some new, magical, mystical emissions reduction technology that they can use (just because they're good people at heart and want to, even though it will cost them more to do so) makes no sense. They won;t do it. Unfortunately all abbott has to say at the moment is 'gillard bad' and people go 'yes tony'. There's a simple solution to every problem. It's normally completely wrong.
The proposed changes will also open a lot of opportunities in different fields (& yes, physical locations in Australia) that will create new, different jobs, technologies and skills.

(i'm also a supporter of the NBN - you try living where the only options for internet are wireless or satellite and then tell me that that technology is good enough to drive our future. I'm sick of being a telstra hostage).