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#1 Post by Nutgrass » Mon Jun 08, 2015 3:46 pm

The traditional Archery scene is a longstanding great group of people who love their sport.
I'm saddened to learn this weekend that others have decided to host an event on the same weekend as the Australian Longbow & Recurve muster, for no other reason than their own personal gain.
I know the people responsible think they are a level above everyone else, but rest assured you have lost all my respect & I hope karma gives you exactly what you deserve.
This is the 16th year Gladstone have held the Australian Longbow & Recurve Muster. It was as always a great event with great food & Awesome ranges.
The muster isn't going anywhere & will always have our full support.
In a sport that is by far a minority, unity was always our best asset, dividing the sport by putting on a rival shoot is just silly, But the way it was organized & how you went about it was plain deceitful & shows the true colors of these self appointed legends of our sport. Respect is earned, it's also lost. I hope karma bites you hard & your world deals you exactly what you deserve.
RABBITS (karen) wrote:NUTGRASS >>----> Nobody knows where he came from, & nobody knows how to get rid of him.
Shooters get to 50m to shoot, but only a hunter gets inside 20m to hunt.

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Re: Disgusted

#2 Post by The Hunt » Mon Jun 08, 2015 4:11 pm

I think this comment is more divisive that what you are accusing others of. Your opinion appears to be very ill informed. Firstly let me say when I was invited the first question I was asked is are you going to Gladstone shoot ? I said no too far for me and I can't take my dogs. are you going to Casino 3DAAA shoot? I said no I can't take my dogs. Well you may be interested in this, we are keeping it Small and as an option to those not doing the other events. It was more a gathering of friends at a private range on a private property. Where a group of people have been shooting fortnightly. The people you are saying were deceitful were far from that mentioning they kept it small and low key so not to impact other shoots. If someone said I am going to Gladstone they left it at that often not even saying there was this gathering on.This is like saying the group of Trad archers who went hunting this weekend instead of going to the muster were doing the wrong thing? It's a free world and I chose to travel to a private property that was accessible and dog friendly. There was no malice or deceit by the people organising this in support of the property owner who I was happy to be part of and cheer them up. Behind the half truths and gossip is a real story. All I can say is I found the way the organisers went about this was very far from deceitful and had very good intentions, they were careful not to offend etc but always things get blown out of proportion. 9 people from my way joined in the fun over the weekend many travelling home on Sunday . Not 1 of them have been to Gladstone and not 1 was considering it. They spent the weekend slinging arrows how is that a bad thing. True story.
Last edited by The Hunt on Mon Jun 08, 2015 4:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Disgusted

#3 Post by little arrows » Mon Jun 08, 2015 4:27 pm

this is the same response I have put on the TAA Facebook page in response to Nutgrass post....

It's a shame Nutgrass that you have decided to air your grievance so publicly first without speaking to the people to whom you are referring first to get the correct side of the story not just what people chose to tell you at Gladstone. So I will tell you now...... and before I do, I did speak to Zanette and told her about this event that was on. There was 3 or 4 of us that have been to 13 of the 15 Gladstone Musters and decided to not go this year and let the club gather momentum. Then as I was wondering what to do that weekend I realised there was quite a few people around the Brisbane, both coasts and the Darling Downs who were never going to go to either Gladstone or Newcastle Trad shoots, so wouldn't it be good for Trad to hold an event they could go to. All the people that were invited I asked specifically if they were going to Gladstone BEFORE I told them about the event down here. There was a total of 7 people did not go to Gladstone however 33 additional archers did enjoy a Traditional shoot over the June Long weekend. That to me is NOT a bad thing for Traditional Archery. Now there will be a choice, drive 5-8 hours or drive 2-4 and as you would know from the weekend at Gladstone there were people from this area that were still at that shoot.

So people have forgotten, when Gladstone first held the event on the same weekend as Hunter Valley Trad there were complaints..... someone will always complain. Some choose to only attend one Trad shoot per yer for many and varied reasons, others choice to support as many Trad shoots as they can - and still people will complain.........


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Re: Disgusted

#4 Post by greybeard » Tue Jun 09, 2015 3:37 pm


Your childish rant is more likely to alienate trad shooters rather than to encourage them to attend your shoots in future years.

Do the Gladstone committee endorse your remarks?

As far as karma goes don’t be surprised if it bites in the most unlikely places.

Admittedly I missed the last couple of shoots because of health issues but you can be certain that I will not be attending any future shoots at Gladstone.

"And you must not stick for a groat or twelvepence more than another man would give, if it be a good bow.
For a good bow twice paid for, is better than an ill bow once broken.

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I am old enough to make my own decisions....Just not young enough to remember what I decided!....

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Re: Disgusted

#5 Post by Nutgrass » Tue Jun 09, 2015 4:16 pm

My rant is my own, I speak for myself & my family.
My views have nothing to do with the views of the Gladstone Bowhunters, other than my loyalty to them.
RABBITS (karen) wrote:NUTGRASS >>----> Nobody knows where he came from, & nobody knows how to get rid of him.
Shooters get to 50m to shoot, but only a hunter gets inside 20m to hunt.

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Re: Disgusted

#6 Post by Shrek » Tue Jun 09, 2015 6:23 pm

Nut grass I don't know you but I do have great friends at Gladstone and have shot the event and loved every step I took and every arrow I shot with my friends.I went to this weekend you are" boofing" on about and it was kept low key so as not to have any impression on any other shoot. Am I a Cruddy person for going for a relaxing good weekend away with mates? I had the 3daaa shoot at Casino I sometimes go to,too many Wheelies, or Cooly Rocks rock and roll festival with my girl and friends,nope and no grief from the bride.A chance to shoot a no pressure fun weekend?Yeh bring it on ! Gladdy is too far and my old Landy aint got the legs for it and my pockets arn't real deep at the moment so simple choice really.As for Karma be careful that dead tree you are barking up dose not fall on ya,fact beats the heck out of fiction,just chill man you got it wrong

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Re: Disgusted

#7 Post by Nutgrass » Tue Jun 09, 2015 8:28 pm

This is not an attack on the people who have attended an alternative shoot. Please Reread my post.
I'm not going to argue with any of you, I think the attacks in your replies speak volumes, may your guilt flow free.
If you would have put it on any other weekend I wouldn't have seen a problem.
I stand by what I've said & if you don't like it, guess what.... I don't really care.
I speak from the heart & I tell it like it is, scramble & attack me in return, what ever.
It is what it is.
RABBITS (karen) wrote:NUTGRASS >>----> Nobody knows where he came from, & nobody knows how to get rid of him.
Shooters get to 50m to shoot, but only a hunter gets inside 20m to hunt.

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Re: Disgusted

#8 Post by Stickbow Hunter » Tue Jun 09, 2015 10:20 pm

Regardless of the hows and whys I find putting on another Trad shoot in QLD the same weekend as the Muster as being pretty poor form.
little arrows wrote:So people have forgotten, when Gladstone first held the event on the same weekend as Hunter Valley Trad there were complaints.....
Sue, when Hunter Valley decided to run their shoot on the June long weekends the then president of the club said to me that they didn't care what any other club did, they were going to put their shoot on. At that time the Muster was still looking at being held on the June long weekends just as the Australian Longbow Musters had been.


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Re: Disgusted

#9 Post by stickbender » Tue Jun 09, 2015 10:27 pm

Hi All,
I am a member of the Gladstone Bowhunters but not an active shooter at the moment. The older Shooters will know who I am.

Well lets' go back to why the Australian Longbow and Recurve Muster was started. In the 80's there was a shoot at Tiaro called the Australian Longbow Muster and this was run for 11 years, held on the June long weekend. This was the only Trad Shoot in Australia and you could only shoot Longbows. Six weeks before the 10th Muster in 1998, I received a phone call telling me that the Muster was off as they had no one able to run it. I talked to two other Gladstone Members to see if we were able to take on running the shoot. So after about six hours I phoned the Muster Organisers to see what they had set up in place, and would it be OK for us to set up and run the Shoot. The three of us took leave from work and went down a week before the Muster to set up the ranges and ran the 10th Australian Longbow Muster. We also did this for the 11th Muster but at the end of the shoot, we were told that this was the last shoot to be held at Tiaro as the land was being sold. So with this I took it back to the Gladstone Bowhunters' members to see if we were able to run it at Gladstone, and we also decided to include Recurve bows so ALL traditional shooters were able to compete in the Musters. June 2000 the Australian Longbow and Recurve Muster was held and this was sanctioned by ABA, but the next year ABA told us that that was a 'ONCE ONLY' sanctioned Traditional Shoot. We then told ABA that the Muster was still on and the Club stuck its neck out and went Independent so we could hold Traditional shoots in the future. The Gladstone Club has copped a lot of flack over the years' for being Independent, but we were able to see the need for traditional shoots. Now ABA will sanction Traditional shoots as they see how good they are.
So you all have to thank the Gladstone Bowhunters for the Traditional shoots that are being held today. So you can see that this shoot in one form or another has been going long before the hunter valley shoot was started. Thanks Paul

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Re: Disgusted

#10 Post by little arrows » Tue Jun 09, 2015 10:51 pm

As I have mentioned before, the archers that attended the additional Trad shoot over the weekend, were not going to either Newcastle or Gladstone as these shoots were too far and the bulk of them had never shot a Trad tournament over any June long weekend ever.


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Re: Disgusted

#11 Post by The Hunt » Wed Jun 10, 2015 8:07 am

Nutgrass thanks for clarifying who you speak for because the way your comment is written you put it in such a way that you are speaking on behalf of Gladstone and the whole of the Trad community.

on the comment of deceit: I think enough has been said above to show there was NO deceit

on the comment of: I know the people responsible think they are a level above everyone else: this is a personal attack on some members of this community and it is NOT appropriate to do that publicly and you talk about them having a lack of respect while you yourself are being disrespectful especially with your public rant on facebook on your personal page and the TAA group page.

on the comment of : I hope karma gives you exactly what you deserve. Really you want to be so childish to seek revenge on these folk? You honestly believe they should be bitten by the hand of Karma for organizing a private small gathering of shooters who were not going to this event.

On the comment from Stickbow Hunter: re organising it on the same weekend. This was an invite only shoot and the invites were only extended to those not going to any other event. . What this means is more people shot Trad on this weekend than what would have if it wasn't on and like Sue said many new to the sport, some without Trad gear. Isn't this good for the sport?

On the comment by Nutgrass: I think the attacks in your replies speak volumes, may your guilt flow free.
I have never been to Gladstone it is just too far out of reach for me in June which is a busy month for me, it was never on my list of events for the year. Personally I find it difficult to impossible to attend shoots where I cant have my dogs I was given an alternative. I HAVE NO GUILT just disappointment at the manner you have gone about this especially the public attacks on Facebook BTW I notice you have taken them down now I suppose you saw the error of your ways.

This is a great community let's not F it up by making personal attacks , find out the facts before shooting off your mouth. half truths and assumptions will undo you every time.

Lets shoot arrows at targets!

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Re: Disgusted

#12 Post by sina55 » Wed Jun 10, 2015 9:37 am

United we stand. Divided we fall.
It's time to kill this one.


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Re: Disgusted

#13 Post by Ronster » Wed Jun 10, 2015 6:34 pm

Very devisive, don't like it get rid of it.

I would love to be an expert, but experience and lack of knowledge holds me back!

Raven Vanquish 62" TD Recurve 44# @ 28"
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Re: Disgusted

#14 Post by Ian Turner » Fri Jun 12, 2015 6:09 pm

Hi all,
I don't see any issue when there are 2 events on at the same time in different states or several hours drive apart.
In this big country of ours where there can be immense distances between shoots eg HVTA in NSW and Gladstone in QLD i see no issue being on the same date.
There would be very few shooters in NSW that would would have the time and the money to drive to Gladstone but would be able to go to Newcastle OK or another NSW shoot.
Just because there is a shoot in one state or the far corner of a state should not prevent a shoot being held in another.
As it is we only have 2 in NSW and as the event calendar is quite full with shoots in QLD and VIC it would be difficault for another club to have an event that does not clash as there are a number of months of the year that it would also be impracticle to hold event eg Dec Jan Feb.

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Re: Disgusted

#15 Post by Axe » Sat Jun 13, 2015 12:20 pm

I don't attend Trad Shoots...I hunt and do my little bit to support the sport by teaching kids and adults alike, so I will not enter the debate other than to say/ask....
greybeard wrote:Nutgrass,

Your childish rant is more likely to alienate trad shooters rather than to encourage them to attend your shoots in future years.

Do the Gladstone committee endorse your remarks?

As far as karma goes don’t be surprised if it bites in the most unlikely places.

Admittedly I missed the last couple of shoots because of health issues but you can be certain that I will not be attending any future shoots at Gladstone.

Greybeard, who's being childish? I find it laughable and distasteful that you have the hide to call the view of Nutgrass as childish and because of his (your words) "childish rant" you will not attend any future Gladstone shoots
Then again it's not the first time your response to a post has resulted in disrespect and alienation of others on this site.
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Re: Disgusted

#16 Post by perry » Sat Jun 13, 2015 2:46 pm

You know, it does not matter much to me where a Trad Shoot is, who's running it or how far away it is. If I want to go I'll go if it's at all possible. I've never made it up to Gladstone, it sounds like I missed a good Shoot in previous Years and a chance to catch up with like minded Archers. The Queens Birthday is my eldest Daughters Birthday and now She's older I take the opportunity to go Hunting. Same deal with this Gympie Shoot. I was Invited but had a Hunting Trip already organised. Wish I could have been in 2 places at once.

Sitting here now I have just realized that every Trad Shoot I have ever attended has been marred by Politics at some stage, the Compound V Trad Rubbish, personality clashes, Rivalries, envy, Jealousy etc are there also. Every Club regardless of Sport actually - must boil down to Human Nature ?????

Whats that saying, putting Salt in my Sugar won't make yours any Sweeter !!!!!

None of this will do Traditional Archery any favour's. Got me buggered why we cant just play nice together.

regards Jacko
"To my deep morticication my father once said to me, 'You care for nothing but shooting, dogs and rat catching, and you will be a disgrace to yourself and all your family.' "

- Charles Darwin

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