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Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 11:32 am
by Troppo Sticks
Any one out there, that makes snags.
Did a trip to South Africa a few years back and we got introduced to Boere Wors sausage, which is sold as one sausage in a coil and it fits into a medium sized fry pan.
I was sent the recipe the other day and will have to get cracking and make some up and mine will be using wild hog not domestic pork meat.
If you would like to make your own or if you just have an interest in what’s in them read on.
Ingredients: 2 kg Topside Beef
1 kg Pork meat
300 gm Pork fat
20 ml salt
50 ml coriander (sautéed)
Black pepper (fine) to taste
75 ml vinegar (white)
15 ml Brandy
Method: Cut meat and pork fat into cubes then mix in the salt, coriander and pepper ensuring you mix well.
Run this lot through the household mincer that is fitted with a medium mince plate.
Sprinkle the brandy and vinegar over the mince and mix it well.
Fill the sausage cases with the mixture and tie off the cases at the required sausage length.
Where do you get the snag casings you may ask? Local butchers, that make, there own snags, will often sell you casings, other than that, Master Butchers is another option.
You do need the attachment that fits on the mincer to be able to fill the snag casings.
I tell you true my friend when this Boer wors is cooked in a cast iron frying pan you can’t stop eating it. :roll: