Possible spam/virus??

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Possible spam/virus??

#1 Post by Forester » Mon Mar 27, 2017 9:04 am

Hi Ozbow,

I just want to query a private message I got that I suspect is either spam or a virus. I got the following email in my regular email inbox telling me that I have a new private message in Ozbow.

Hello Forester,

You have received a new private message from "Billybof" to your account on "www.ozbow.net" with the following subject:

The Clinton-Trump Sex Scandal

You can view your new message by clicking on the following link:

http://www.ozbow.net/phpBB3/ucp.php?i=p ... w&p=103290

I am a bit suspicious given the title of the message, and am reluctant to open it. Perhaps I am being paranoid, but I just wanted to let you know. BTW - I am not concerned about the topic - no problems if someone wants to send me something funny, but it just seems a little strange and potentially damaging if it is a virus.

Cheers, Tim

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Re: Possible spam/virus??

#2 Post by Outbackdad » Mon Mar 27, 2017 11:12 am

Hi all

Spammers have hit us again. I am working on it.


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