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by Nutgrass
Sat Feb 24, 2018 3:08 pm
Forum: The Ozbow Trade Blanket
Topic: 2 x beautifully crafted Gringa bows
Replies: 2
Views: 2302

2 x beautifully crafted Gringa bows

These bows were made for my ex & her daughter, that era in my life ended long enough ago, & its time to move these bows on. Both bows are still in great condition & deserve new owners. The recurve is a Gringa 56"ntn, & 25# @ 28". Price $300 plus freight. The longbow is a Gr...
by Nutgrass
Tue Jun 09, 2015 8:28 pm
Forum: Shooting The Breeze
Topic: Disgusted
Replies: 15
Views: 6599

Re: Disgusted

This is not an attack on the people who have attended an alternative shoot. Please Reread my post. I'm not going to argue with any of you, I think the attacks in your replies speak volumes, may your guilt flow free. If you would have put it on any other weekend I wouldn't have seen a problem. I stan...
by Nutgrass
Tue Jun 09, 2015 4:16 pm
Forum: Shooting The Breeze
Topic: Disgusted
Replies: 15
Views: 6599

Re: Disgusted

My rant is my own, I speak for myself & my family.
My views have nothing to do with the views of the Gladstone Bowhunters, other than my loyalty to them.
by Nutgrass
Mon Jun 08, 2015 3:46 pm
Forum: Shooting The Breeze
Topic: Disgusted
Replies: 15
Views: 6599


The traditional Archery scene is a longstanding great group of people who love their sport. I'm saddened to learn this weekend that others have decided to host an event on the same weekend as the Australian Longbow & Recurve muster, for no other reason than their own personal gain. I know the pe...
by Nutgrass
Tue Jun 17, 2014 8:24 am
Forum: Traditional Archery Events
Topic: 2014 Australian Longbow and Recurve Muster
Replies: 164
Views: 59243

Re: 2014 Australian Longbow and Recurve Muster

I'm keen, got to run it past the minister first though.... And check the calendar of coarse :biggrin:
by Nutgrass
Sun Jun 15, 2014 2:23 pm
Forum: Traditional Archery Events
Topic: 2014 Australian Longbow and Recurve Muster
Replies: 164
Views: 59243

Re: 2014 Australian Longbow and Recurve Muster

When is the Tully shoot ?
by Nutgrass
Mon May 26, 2014 9:30 am
Forum: Shooting The Breeze
Replies: 27
Views: 8825


Sounds like fun :wink: I might go :biggrin:
by Nutgrass
Sun May 25, 2014 12:26 pm
Forum: Traditional Archery Events
Topic: 2014 Australian Longbow and Recurve Muster
Replies: 164
Views: 59243

Re: 2014 Australian Longbow and Recurve Muster

Home of the Australian Longbow & Recurve muster
Home of the Australian Longbow & Recurve muster
image.jpg (115.71 KiB) Viewed 10458 times
Well it's not far away now, who's getting excited ?
I can't wait to catch up with you all again, even looking forward to busting a few shafts as I attempt to hit some targets!
Home of the Australian Longbow & Recurve muster
Home of the Australian Longbow & Recurve muster
image.jpg (115.71 KiB) Viewed 10458 times
by Nutgrass
Mon May 12, 2014 3:15 pm
Forum: Shooting The Breeze
Topic: Thoughts and wishes for Roadie and Heather
Replies: 67
Views: 17146

Re: Thoughts and wishes for Roadie and Heather

I'm sorry to hear about Heather's fall mate. I hope the surgery goes well today & our prayers & best wishes go out to you both.
Glad the archery community were about to support & help.
by Nutgrass
Sun May 11, 2014 4:11 pm
Forum: Traditional Archery Events
Topic: 2014 Australian Longbow and Recurve Muster
Replies: 164
Views: 59243

Re: 2014 Australian Longbow and Recurve Muster

I'm not sure how many sleeps to go, but there was one hell of a crew up there this weekend sorting stuff out for the 15th Annual Australian Longbow & Recurve muster. It's set to be one hell of a weekend if the hard working crew at the Gladstone Bowhunters has anything to do with it. A whole new ...
by Nutgrass
Mon Apr 21, 2014 7:04 pm
Forum: Traditional Tackle
Topic: It was only a matter of time, the girls get Gringas
Replies: 10
Views: 3305

It was only a matter of time, the girls get Gringas

Well as the title states, it was only a matter of time before the girls requested a Gringa bow. So with some sneaky work I squezed out of them what they wanted with out them knowing & set Rod in motion. After a false start with the timber colour, we were soon on the right track & the bows we...
by Nutgrass
Wed Apr 09, 2014 8:17 pm
Forum: Traditional Archery Events
Topic: 2014 Australian Longbow and Recurve Muster
Replies: 164
Views: 59243

Re: 2014 Australian Longbow and Recurve Muster

little arrows wrote: Hey Zan, can you get Gene-o to look at his pms please.

Good luck :lol:
by Nutgrass
Wed Apr 09, 2014 7:18 am
Forum: Shooting The Breeze
Topic: Birdsville Bound
Replies: 16
Views: 4781

Re: Birdsville Bound

That's my boy nephew !!!! :lol:
by Nutgrass
Wed Apr 09, 2014 6:58 am
Forum: Shooting The Breeze
Topic: Ripped off and dissapointed
Replies: 11
Views: 3630

Re: Ripped off and dissapointed

I have been caught in the same situation back when i was shooting compound bows. Money up front, after 6 months of no bow I was about to make the treck to redeam my money. I had named & shamed & it was just more empty promises, so they looked good in public. I feel your pain, it leaves a ver...
by Nutgrass
Sun Apr 06, 2014 8:22 am
Forum: Shooting The Breeze
Topic: Which converter for a young feather burner
Replies: 11
Views: 4224

Re: Which converter for a young feather burner

Thanks guys, yes 100 watts is more than enough. I now have spoken to plenty of people running them successfully with 64 watt converters. Buying online is far cheaper, but if you can't wait & you just want to use it (this is me) $99 for a 125 watt unit from jaycar gets you going 8) Very very happ...
by Nutgrass
Wed Apr 02, 2014 6:19 pm
Forum: Shooting The Breeze
Topic: Which converter for a young feather burner
Replies: 11
Views: 4224

Re: Which converter for a young feather burner

Thanks Daryl, I have been in contact with Jaycar here, but with out an amps or watts usage they can't say which unit I need to run it.
Will keep investigating.
by Nutgrass
Wed Apr 02, 2014 2:16 pm
Forum: Shooting The Breeze
Topic: Which converter for a young feather burner
Replies: 11
Views: 4224

Which converter for a young feather burner

So I brought a young Feather burner, now I need a step down voltage converter, but I need to know how many amps or watts it draws to buy the right converter.
Anyone got any idea ?
All it's got printed on it is 110-115 volts 50-60 cycles only.
by Nutgrass
Wed Mar 26, 2014 8:51 pm
Forum: Traditional Archery Events
Topic: 2014 Australian Longbow and Recurve Muster
Replies: 164
Views: 59243

Re: 2014 Australian Longbow and Recurve Muster

Did I already say yes to these ? If not 2 ladies small & 1 men's medium please :-)
by Nutgrass
Tue Mar 25, 2014 4:25 pm
Forum: Photography
Topic: A few from my back yard.
Replies: 6
Views: 7586

Re: A few from my back yard.

Show off :lol: looks like paradise really 8)
by Nutgrass
Mon Mar 24, 2014 8:25 pm
Forum: Traditional Archery Events
Topic: Muster flyer
Replies: 9
Views: 4640

Re: Muster flyer

Doesn't even say Nutgrass isn't allowed :biggrin: hope there's no round up on tap :confused:
by Nutgrass
Sat Feb 22, 2014 12:11 pm
Forum: Traditional Archery Events
Topic: 2014 Australian Longbow and Recurve Muster
Replies: 164
Views: 59243

Re: 2014 Australian Longbow and Recurve Muster

Guess I better warn you all that I will be coming, sorry if that keeps the numbers down Gene.
by Nutgrass
Fri Dec 06, 2013 9:00 am
Forum: Shooting The Breeze
Topic: Happy Birthday Nutgrass !!!
Replies: 10
Views: 3064

Re: Happy Birthday Nutgrass !!!

Thanks guys, was a good day, we'll as good as a day gets when you go to work :wink:
by Nutgrass
Tue Nov 12, 2013 1:23 pm
Forum: Traditional Tackle
Topic: New Gringa Deflex Reflex long bow inside .. you were warned!
Replies: 24
Views: 7440

Re: New Gringa Deflex Reflex long bow inside .. you were war

That is indeed a beautiful looking bow, all the curves sit very well together. The grip shape looks a bit unusual, sort of concave? How does it sit in the hand at full draw? I find it's very comfy mate, although it is shaped the same as it's lighter sister ("The Mistress") so I guess I'm ...
by Nutgrass
Wed Nov 06, 2013 10:26 am
Forum: Bowyers
Topic: Gringa Longbows
Replies: 39
Views: 143856

Re: Gringa Longbows

I can never remember which way around it is suppose to be Bob :confused: .... Sorry Jeff, feel free to fix it so it reads right mate 8)
by Nutgrass
Wed Nov 06, 2013 10:25 am
Forum: Traditional Tackle
Topic: New Gringa Deflex Reflex long bow inside .. you were warned!
Replies: 24
Views: 7440

Re: New Gringa Deflex Reflex long bow inside .. you were war

Nephew wrote:Gonna be a loooong wait to get some blood on it! :smile:
I know, I have to find time to get some practice in again..... maybe more like learn to shoot again rather than practice :lol:
by Nutgrass
Wed Nov 06, 2013 9:45 am
Forum: Bowyers
Topic: Gringa Longbows
Replies: 39
Views: 143856

Re: Gringa Longbows

Another of Rod's "Chupacabra" (Deflex Reflex) longbows
by Nutgrass
Wed Nov 06, 2013 9:41 am
Forum: Traditional Tackle
Topic: New Gringa Deflex Reflex long bow inside .. you were warned!
Replies: 24
Views: 7440

New Gringa Deflex Reflex long bow inside .. you were warned!

So I had the big fella make me a new bow, yer I know, how many can you have.... well my answer is as many as I like alright !!! :lol: My red belly black stick (Slight reflex) has been my turn to stick for big pigs, it's 60# & has never let me down. The mistress (deflex reflex) is a favorite, at ...
by Nutgrass
Tue Oct 08, 2013 8:41 pm
Forum: Shooting The Breeze
Topic: Been quiet too.
Replies: 24
Views: 6682

Re: Been quiet too.

Mate I am so proud of you. You should stand tall & with your chest puffed out, you deserve too. Where you have been & where you have come is a sensational story. But the true character you have shown is all you, you have done this, nobody else. I dip my hat to you my friend. I am proud to ca...
by Nutgrass
Sun Sep 29, 2013 10:40 am
Forum: Hunting & Fishing
Topic: Texas with the 62in
Replies: 42
Views: 11396

Re: Texas with the 62in

Well done on the blooding of the 62" mate !!
Well done on the pics too, do my 20 text messages count as outside assistance ? Or is with in the rules :biggrin:
Great work again mate ! So glad you bagged a couple 8)
by Nutgrass
Fri Jun 07, 2013 9:49 am
Forum: Traditional Archery Events
Topic: No start so far for Gladstone Bowhunters Club 2013
Replies: 15
Views: 5759

Re: No start so far for Gladstone Bowhunters Club 2013

An update ! After lengthy negotiations we have had 2 massive effort working bees from a small dedicated crew over the last 2 weekends. The Gladstone bowhunters club will officially open for our first shoot of 2013 this Sunday the 9th June 2013. We will be having a camp over Saturday night to celebra...